Writing Hour

Writing is better, and gets better, together

Keep saying you’re going to write, but never do?

Tired of feeling alone with your writing dreams?

Need to carve out time to move the needle forward?

The weekly drop-in Writing Hour is your place for writing accountability and solidarity.

How it works:

Every Tuesday from 7 – 8 pm EST we gather on zoom for a practice that’s part productivity, part support group, and all about your writing.

We say hi to share what we’re going to be working on, write for about 40-45 minutes with some non-lyrical music, then wrap up and say bye. But you’re welcome to leave your video off with no pressure to say anything if that makes you feel more comfortable 🤗

Once you sign-up you’ll get an email with the zoom link to join each Tuesday, if you’d like.

It’s free but if you’d like to buy me a drink in appreciation, I wouldn’t say no! Click here to say thank you with tea

To be honest, I selfishly created this to help me finish my two books… and because I believe that when people come together better things can happen.

It’s open to anyone wanting to write something — from aspiring authors to people wanting to simply start telling their story to those looking for a calm space to journal.

I believe in the power of writing and that when we write, we can access something bigger than us.

If you’d like to join, enter your name and email below to receive the zoom link for our next Writing Hour.

What they say about The Writing Way:

If you’re thinking of joining ANY kind of experience with Deanne, go for it. Just go for it. You won’t ever regret working with her or simply being in her presence. Deanne brings such a grounding, honest energy to all of her work–you’ll never feel scammed or like you’re being pushed to do or be something that you’re not. Deanne has a skill for bringing out the truest version of you in the kindest, deepest, and gentlest way. This is the REAL work of living that you’ll be able to integrate into every part of who you are.


It can be hard to get yourself to the page, especially if it’s staring at you blankly and your pen refuses to move because you’re afraid of the truth you might find there.

I consider Deanne a guardian of your insights – her profound gentle-but-firm prompts encourage the words to start flowing and her silent witnessing is the accountability you need to get started. She also asks the kinds of questions that get straight to the heart of things with compassion, not confrontation. You feel loved and seen throughout, no matter what gets unearthed.

If you’re looking for answers from yourself but need a little push, attend any of Deanne’s workshops or drop-in sessions. You’ll leave feeling lighter and more hopeful about the things you felt stuck on before.

-Sonja Seiler

“You gave me a safe, supportive container to imagine what’s possible. The questions were true questions — they weren’t trying to lead me anywhere other than my own truth. They allowed me to go deep and tap into my inner wisdom.”

-Kim Sedgwick

“If you are feeling disconnected to your inner truth, a writing experience with Deanne feels like the first step in finding your way back to your inner most honest voice. Deanne’s writing sessions are therapeutic, grounding, and cathartic in all the right ways. You can lie to yourself all you want, but the prompts that Deanne comes up with will bring the truth to light whether you want to or not. The truth is jarring, raw, and necessary to diving deep into your inner workings. It is the perfect place for a brain dump if you are ever overwhelmed by all the feelings (or lack of feelings) that take over our day to day lives.”


Ready to join the Writing Hour?

Together we’ll show up to write and see what happens

Enter your name and email below to receive the zoom link to join the next one.

#accountability #solidarity

P.S. Feel free to invite or bring a friend who you think might be interested!



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Beware though 👇